And now, for those with nothing better to do right now, we follow with
a chronological list of all the JOB gigs to date:
Back to top | 1995 |
1996 | 1997 |
1998 | Jump to bottom
July 23, 1995: The unofficial first JOB gig, and the
first of many to take place at the wonderful Chameleon, located
within the kind and loving Mission district of San Francisco. This
was sort of a preliminary meeting, as Jai Young was unable to attend.
Mark and Matt performed as Hemi-JOB, making noise
with guitar, bass, drums, and that out-of-tune and inaudible piano
that people are afraid to remove lest there actually be space to
move around on the Chameleon stage.
August 6, 1995: The real first JOB show, once
again at the Chameleon in San Francisco. Many attendees. Matt
succeeds in stabbing himself with his bass drum during load-in.
Late in the set Dan Plonsey sat in on saxophone
and even joined Matt in a scat singing duet. Other than all that,
this show can be considered "uneventful," as far as first official
gigs our concerned.
August 13, 1995: The second JOB event, also at
the Chameleon.
The noise generated went unrecorded, which is just as well since
some geezer wandered into the club and was hooting and hollering
throughout the set. "Hoop! Hoop! Hoop!" he'd yell, in time with the
plentiful grooves. Then he kind of just sulked and seethed when the music
turned arhythmic, springing back to life again once there was a
recognizable pulse, yelping "Hoop! Hoop! Hoop!"
September 3, 1995: Another "unofficial" JOB
performance, as Mark was
absent from this one, and it was held in conjuction with members of
two other bands, those being Sparklecock and
Dreamland. All told, this ensemble consisted of
Matt (on electric bass), Jai Young (on keyboards and violin),
Jenya Chernoff (on drums), Oran Canfield
(on drums), Eli Crews (on upright
bass), Dan Plonsey (on saxes), and Steve
Mays (on saxes). Matt actually utilized Jai Young's violin
during one improv, much to Jai Young's chagrin. This madness, alas,
went unrecorded. And yes, this was at the Chameleon.
September 24, 1995: The official third JOB show.
Guess where this
was held? Wrong! It was at the Chameleon in San Francisco, silly.
This event was recorded to DAT as well as video tape. Upon viewing the
video tape, all members of JOB decide action must be taken in improving
stage performance as well as in wearing long pants. Features what will later
become known by the devoted fans as the "Astral Voyager" jam.
November 5, 1995: The last of the original
Chameleon shows, and by far
the best of the lot. Short and to the point. The noise was
recorded, thank the heavens,
parts of which ended up becoming "Dead Stop Traffic in the
Middle of the Afternoon" (as heard on our Kafkaesque production
K.) and "Clear" (on Let's Talk
about God and Party at Ilan's). Also
created was the cult classic "The North American ManBoy Love
(At this point we should point out that at most of the Chameleon shows JOB
played before, after, or with various members of Sparklecock, a group
containing Oran Canfield, Eli Crews,
Johnny "Donuts" Finkbeiner, and JOB's own
Mark Schifferli.)
Back to top | 1995 |
1996 | 1997 |
1998 | Jump to bottom
May 18, 1996: A wonderfully delicious little event,
which was held at
a party in the Berkeley Hills. There were scads of long time fan club members
as well as new inductees there to behold the glorious noise which JOB
spewed forth in a warm, steady stream of vibrating air molecules - much
of which was heavily laden with intense psychological content, but
none of which was translated to tape, to our dismay. This marked the
point where JOB finally felt they had reached "the next level."
July 26, 1996: The most professional noise
injection yet. JOB made noise after a duo comprised of guitarists
Myles Boisen and John Shiurba, who
collectively go under the name Uncle, and before the
always vivacious, challenging and dwarfing Splatter Trio.
This happened at the festive Stork Club in downtown Oakland. JOB gained
a hand full of new fans during the set, especially after Mark took off
his pants. Included a guest appearance by the celebrated Erik
Carter, who attacked Jai Young with a pool cue. Long story.
September 10, 1996: The first performance in
San Francisco since 1995, held at Hotel Utah's
Dark Circle
Lounge. JOB followed noises made by Matt Sperry,
his friends, and the drunken shouts of angered European patrons after
their pinball game was rudely interrupted as Gino
Robair lept off the stage and unplugged the noisy machine.
Not many attendees, since it was Tuesday night. The sounds were loud
yet calm, on fire yet cool, fried yet air-baked. For a moment during
the show, life was good. That moment later became known as "The Dream
November 27, 1996: Once again we unleashed our
demons at the Stork
Club in scenic downtown Oakland. We made the soundman, Frank, wet his
pants as we played well beyond the proudly imposed decibel limit within
the first few seconds of our set. Matt bewildered the audience while
sputtering in the microphone at the foot of the stage. This also
bewildered Jai Young and Mark. Vegetarian dog food was supplied for
consumption. Following us were the even louder and bloodier
Foster Brooks, and then the intense and brooding
High Powered Leroy. This was sort of a Feast or
Famine night, as every band had recorded demos and other things
at Feast or Famine Studio.
Back to top | 1995 |
1996 | 1997 |
1998 | Jump to bottom
June 14, 1997: After a long hiatus during which
we focused our energies
on the recently completed but as-yet unreleased CD
Party at Ilan's, we played a low-key set at the Compound Eye,
a hip art gallery in the ever-so-industrial Emeryville. The studio
was open to the public this fine day, though the hummus-to-people
ratio inside the main gallery remained quite high. On the bright side,
we played a lovely ambient set, utilizing a pared down set of instruments.
We were also joined by Kate Lyst on tablas and
Scott Looney on bric-a-brac. Though we reached no new
planes, we made a well-paced sequence of noises which made everyone
involved, including the few listeners, a little bit happier to be alive.
November 5, 1997: JOB potentially performed for
millions of people as they played the
Wednesday Night Live
radio show on
KZSU (90.1 FM). Having
missed dinner, Mark and Matt inhaled Jack in the Crack chicken
sandwiches, fries, and Cokes mere seconds before performing.
Because of the sudden influx of grease, sugar, caffeine, and
sodium, the set revealed a firey and energetic side of JOB, which
the gang at the station, and possibly listeners throughout the Bay
Area, thoroughly enjoyed. Click here for
a transcipt of the quackful interview with
Secret Agent. In short,
a great show with little to complain about. Jai Young got a flat
on the ride back to the city, but band unity prevailed and we
changed that fucker in no time. Viva JOB!
Back to top | 1995 |
1996 | 1997 |
1998 | Jump to bottom
February 28, 1998: It is debatable whether this was
an official JOB performance. Originally the intent was to play a set in their
own rehearsal space during a birthday party for their friend, landlord, and
neighboring musician Shannon Miller. It started when
Jai Young disappeared from the space, presumably to kill some time, avoid his duties as
DJ Space Loop in the "chill room," and wait for
more friends to arrive. Mark then embarked on a recon mission to find
him. This left Matt, Eli Good (long ago of
The Grassy Knoll), and
Trey Spruance
discussing Sun Ra and Danelectro guitars.
Then Trey grew anxious, wanting to make noise then and there, so he hooked
up Jai Young's keyboards. So Matt began to set up his kit and Nord. Then
Mark resurfaced and joined the Matt/Trey duo (currently having a
Nord vs. VK-7 battle), quickly plugging his guitar in and proceeding
to deafen everyone in the room with an unfortunately loud Whammy Pedal
solo. This ended after Matt threw a drumstick at Mark. Finally Jai Young
returned and picked up Carolina Ramos's red
fretless bass (going through hella distortion), then Eli deftly assembled his
guitar rig to jump into the noise orgy. Major guitar/drum improv ensued
and the ensemble was complete. The next 45 minutes ended
up being the diametric opposite of last week's show: loud, complex,
energetic, exhausting. Mark and Eli's guitars squealed in simultaneous joy
and agony. Jai Young and Trey switched off on guitar and keyboards, both
going through Jai Young's one amp, eventually blowing the speaker (a
mixed blessing, considering it was a Peavey).
March 17, 1998: JOB celebrated St. Patrick's Day
by presenting their sonic mayhem over the airwaves, this time on Berkeley's
KALX 90.7 FM
during one of Ben Wallace's final
A Warm Wave of Euphoria weekly shows. This show
represented yet another triumph over chaos: Matt's car almost
overheated on the Bay Bridge during the rush-hour drive to the station.
Rick the engineer arrived late from work, instilling
in everyone a sense of panic. Mark tore his Hartke speaker to shreds
during our last-minute sound check, and so he had to plug into Jai Young's
sole PA speaker. Still, JOB somehow managed to pull out all the stops,
going full throttle for one VERY happening hour of fire and noise. (Thanks to
Kim Hamad for helping out.) After the set and a quick
interview (transcript coming soon!), strangers called in, clamoring for
the free CDs KALX was giving away. After the show, garlic fries were
consumed at Smart Alec's.
April 22, 1998: Graciously invited back to
KZSU (90.1 FM) by the kind and
knowledgeable Mike Howes of "Dude! You rock!" fame,
JOB drove down to Stanford to spin three hours' worth of their favorite
artists. From Xenakis to Bailey, Porter Ricks to the
Secret Chiefs 3,
God to Squarepusher, Zeek Sheck to Kraldjursanstalten... lucky nearby
radio listens got an ear and brain full.
April 23, 1998: Wow. What a night at the Starry
Plough in Berkeley. The evening was ripped open by the
Moog-y/costume-noise stylings of Rubber O Cement.
Job played second, and wowed the crowd with a short and efficient
series of one-two punches. Bam! Watch out! Oof! Right in the
solar plexus! Smack! Look over there! Where?! Whammo!! Though it wasn't a
transcendent set by any means (and therefore no great tragedy it went
unrecorded), it was entirely successful in moving the night along, and
instilling in the audience a sense of throbbing urgency, leaving them groping
for more. And boy, did they get more. Or should we say, they got "Moe."
That's right, the flailing fury that is Moe! Staiano
and his then conducted dozens of musicians (how did they
ever fit in the Starry Plough?) in a game piece that would make
John Zorn (finally) leave the business.
Loud rock, slow and orgasmic swells, entertaining visuals (including
the anxious expressions on the faces of audience members wondering if
they could make it past Gino Robair to get to
the rest room), and just plain joy of improvisation and the warm
feeling of musical community.
June 20, 1998: Originally, JOB was
slated to play at the Sweat Shop this night in SF, opening for
Otomo Yoshihide. However, due to some booking
miscommunication, JOB got dropped from the gig.
This ended up being quite fortunate, as they ended up picking
up the middle slot at the Starry Plough in Berkeley that same night.
The debut of the new Dren McDonald/Kris Langan duo kicked things
off in a mellow-ish way.
There ended up being a lot of spunk in the JOB set,
thanks to Matt's drumstool becoming wobbly and unsupportive,
Jai Young's VK-7 organ having just been returned that afternoon,
borrowed by the Secret Chiefs Trio for their
month-long tour of Australia and still possessed with the spirits
of a land down under, Mark working with a (unusually) limited set
of effects and toys, and for the first time having a sound guy at
the helm we trusted, that being the always efficient and helpful
Dan Rathbun.
The final set belonged to the amazing band Ether
from Salt Lake City, providing lots of ambient guitar feedback,
rumbling low-end bass, the relentless grooves from their two-man
drum and metal army, and a quick and stunning fire performance by
Oakland's own Lorrie Murray.
August 22, 1998: Once again JOB
trekked out of town to Sacramento to cause a ruckus at the
Experimental Media Research Labroatory,
or EMRL. Upon arriving to the downtown
venue, the members of JOB were happily surprised
to see the sidewalk teeming with all kinds of random folk waiting
to see the show. However, these people actually weren't here to
see any show - a street-wide power outage brought them all outside
the hotel next door to cool off. So all the equipment was unloaded
and brought up three flights of stairs to the performance area with
the aid of minimal candlelight. As EMRL mastermind Floyd
Diebel went to figure out how to tap power from the
streetlights, power was magically restored. Whew. The first band
Ecomcon cancelled, so JOB
took their time setting everything up and getting going. With no
dinner eaten earlier - nor dinner readily available in this part
of Sacto - Matt, Mark, and Jai Young energized themselves with crap
bought at the corner convenience mart, and finally got to playing.
A relatively good set, loud and noisy with tasty sounds and without
dumbass grooves or trite improv "techniques." Matt's stool broke
again during mid-set, causing him to work his
Trilok Gurtu impression on the fly.
Playing next was thee cosmic psych-improv-noise collective
Instagon from LA, featuring core
members Lob on bass and
Dr. Oblivious on synths. Joining them tonight was
Matt on drums and Jai Young on guitar, and a short but sweet
introductory blurt of noise was provided by Orange County
conceptual minimalist Bassman, who power-drilled
multiple holes into a plastic head of Darth Vader containing an
embedded contact microphone. The remainder of the set floated atop
tasty space-rock grooves. After much sound and sweat, the evening
closed with a long party. A lot of the same people from the last
EMRL show were in attendance, and so a lot of
catching up, as well as philosophical discourse, ensued. At 3 am
the bands packed up their cars. In the street out front they met
a wandering minstrel who went by the name Tool
who up until recently sang for a classic rock band called
Cherry and whose father was his uncle.
September 14th, 1998: Continuing with their plans
to dominate Bay Area college radio, JOB accepted
the kind invitation of DJ extraordinaire
Thurston Hunger to rattle the frequencies
transmitted by the incredible station
KFJC 89.7 FM. Time wasn't an issue,
so finding the way around the cozy Los Altos Hills campus, then
unloading and setting up was pleasant and chummy. The performance
seemed like a progress report; another B+ and no big news otherwise.
However, by show's end there was a vague yet perceivable taste of
the "next level" for JOB. Afterward there was a
thoughtful live interview with the band administered by
Thurston himself, and then a long off-the-air chat
over pizza in the station lobby. It should be noted that this set
marked the first appearance of Matt's music stand contraption
in over two years, and Mark's mended Hartke bass amp (which was
shredded during the last college radio show). Jai Young got stuck
this time in the solo car during the long 2 am ride back to San
Francisco, listening to his car radio and enjoying the conclusion
of Hunger's stellar show. In the other car, Mark and Matt
discussed communism.
September 17th, 1998: As proof to the world the
SF Bay Area embraces the improvised/experimental music scene more
than any other locale, there is yet another new music series
underway called Chaosophy, organized by
Species Being's own Frank Grau.
JOB got to headline the second show of this series, this time held
in the secret, dark room upstairs at the Edinburgh Castle.
Bilge started the evening granting the audience
a well-paced myriad of ideas that were quirky, ambient, and groovy.
set was quite revealing, and came close to answering the burning
question: "Why is water wet?" JOB wrapped up with
belly punches from Mark's guitar and bass, jugular vein slicing from
Jai Young's keyboards and guitar, and incessant whining from Matt's
drums and vocal chords. Afterwards the band packed up faster than
shit through a coffee drinker so that Matt and Jai Young could catch
as much of the Monks of Doom reunion show as
possible, which was currently well underway at Bottom of the Hill.
They in fact caught the last seven songs, including two of Matt's
favorites ("Ukrainian Technological Faith Dance" and "B-Music") and
one of Jai Young's favorites ("Tanguedia (Reprise)").
Back to top | 1995 |
1996 | 1997 |
1998 | Jump to bottom
April 17, 1996: After a short break, we succeeded in finally
crossing the Bay Bridge in order to hold a musical conference at the wonderful
Beanbender's venue in downtown Berkeley. We made some pretty decent
sounds considering the harsh rains that threatened to ruin all the expensive
noisegenerating equipment, and Jai Young was able to query the
audience to "raise your hand if you've never seen Harvey Keitel
naked." We opened for the Manufacturing of Humidifiers,
who were cute and cuddly and stuff.
January 31, 1997: We began this calendar year's
batch of shows by
trekking out of town and playing a fun set at the
Experimental Media Research Laboratory
in Sacramento, California. We more or less headlined the gig, performing
after the churning, cash-register abusing
from Los Angeles and the scrumptious, hypnotic
Turk Knifes Pope from
Sacramento (now of the Bay Area). Our set included elements of
noise and chaos never before heard by our Bay Area crowds, and
the very open-minded EMRL audience ate it all up. Afterward, we
were treated to free veggie hot dogs. Good vibes all around.
During the van ride home, all three of us decided this show
earned a hearty "thumbs up."
October 18, 1997: This show, put on by
7 Hz Productions
at the Phase warehouse in San Francisco, was originally intended to be a
week earlier when Matt would not be on tour with his nationally acclaimed
slow-angst trio
Mumble & Peg. However, due to logistical fuckups and a completely
unnecessary punk festival scheduled nearby the same day, the show got
bumped forward, so Matt couldn't play. After the tears subsided,
Jai Young and Mark got their heads together and decided to do the show
anyway, and enlisted the help of
Trey Spruance
(Mr. Bungle,
Secret Chiefs
Faxed Head, Nottingturd Fan,
Scourge, Three Doctors,
Forms, etc.). As well, Matt recorded
a full 50 minutes of himself on drums straight to DAT for this JOB
mutation to utilize during the performance. And what a performance!
The whole shebang included Chicago noise giant Illusion of
Safety and local techno-mindfuck hero
Thomas Dimuzio in separate sets
and intermingled duos, the most notable being between the IoS and
Mark. The high point occurred at the end of the JOB set when the
volume and intensity had reached its maximum point, and with a
surge of adrenalin Jai Young launched for the power strip and
unplugged it, sending the entire venue into frenzied silence.
Aaah... Mark forgot to press record, by the way.
February 22, 1998: After the now-typical long
hiatus, JOB returned to the venerable
Beanbender's venue. The night began with a meditative set of
singing gongs and bowls, as performed by Karen Stackpole's
Euphonics. Beautiful and calming it was. JOB then threw
themselves upon the stage, prepared to summon great, evil demons of
chaos and noise, but ending up playing the subtlety card. This may have
been their least ear-shattering gig to date, as Matt laid off the drums
more than 60% of it, and Mark was barely audible (at least on the stage).
Lots of nice, haunting stuff, with a few "moments." Towards the end
Jai Young and Mark fled the stage, and Matt found himself alone in the
spotlight, scraping a rubber mallet against a dented metal pie pan. Was
this symbolism? By the way, this set marked the introduction of a great
new piece of equipment, that being Jai Young's Roland VK-7. Pretty